Bulk Sms Dlt Template Registration Process For Jio
Jio DLT Content Template Registration Process
You must have to register your business first with Jio DLT to register your SMS content templates.
First Sign in to Jio DLT Portal here https://trueconnect.jio.com/#/ as Enterprise.
Then click on Template >> Content Template Registration option from drop down.

Jio DLT Template Registration Menu
Then you will get add new content template screen.

- Choose Template Category and Template type first Promotional / Transactional / Service. Choose Service category for OTP and service SMS after registration.
- Then select already approved header from which this SMS will be sent.
- Then type Template name for your reference.
- Then add SMS content in template message box. In message where SMS data gets changed every time for every user there add insert variable from above.
Jio DLT New Content Template Approval
- Transactional SMS - It is a type of message in which an OTP is sent to the Registered Customers to complete any Banking Transactions will be considered as Transactional Bulk SMS.
Example: Dear Customer, {#var#} is the OTP for the Transaction of INR {#var#}.
- Service Implicit SMS - Any message that is arising out of the customer's actions or existing relationships with the enterprise that is not promotional will be considered as a Service implicit message.
Example: Dear {#var#}, your order with order id {#var#} has been {#var#}. Regards XYZ.
- Service Explicit SMS - This is the type of message, which requires explicit consent from customers that have been verified directly by recipients in a robust and verifiable manner and recovered by the consent registrar.
Example: Your Rs {#var#} Exclusive Voucher is not used till yet!! Redeem it on purchase of Rs. {#var#} at AJIO using Coupon Code {#var#} Valid till {#var#}! T&C.
- Promotional SMS - It is a type of message with an intention to promote or sell a product, goods, or service of any Business. Service content mixed with promotional content is also treated as Promotional Bulk SMS.
Example: Dear User, Get up to {#var#} off on shopping of Rs. 1500/- and above. Hurry up! Offer valid for a limited time.
Example: Dear {#var#}, Your OTP is {#var#}, Team {#var#}.
Then click on Submit Button.
There are 4 types of Routes in Bulk SMS Service for DLT
You can create any number of templates as per your need. If you try to send an SMS which is not matching to template approved on the DLT portal so the operator will reject it and you will not get any refund for it.
This template system will be live from 8th March 2021. After that only approved templates will go through the DLT system. Jio/smart ping/Vodafone/Airtel DLT Template approval time is around 48 hours (Working Day Mon - Fri 9.30 AM - 6.30 PM). But due to the huge load, it may delay approval. Contact Us Today by Call/WhatsApp on +91 9776353638 or Email Us at smssmart5@gmail.com for DLT Registration.